Career Prospects
Chartered Accountant, a high level executive in the management field plays a dominant role in Accountancy, Auditing and Taxation. Dynamic and expert knowledge of CA promises to get job in top level management in well known Banks, Financial Institutions, Government sectors and International market. In financial sector, the opportunities of CAs are listed below.
Audit : Statutory Audit, Internal Audit, Tax Audit, Mgmt. Audit of small, middle and large profitable & non profitable organization in national & international Market.
Project : Work as a project manager, cost analyst and financial expert in various national and international projects.
Accounting : Work an account expert in all types of national & international organizations.
Consultancy : Management Consultancy services to different financial institutions, educational bodies and national and international business house as well as government undertakings.
Liquidation Work : Liquidation of banks, financial institutions, and different type of corporate houses.
Secretarial Work : Company secretary of national and international organization including multinational companies.
Certification Work : Summary report of incomes, Income statement verification and certification etc.
Other Independent Work : Feasibility study to start a new project/ to establish new organization, their registration, project preparation and financial analysis of different type of profitable and non profitable organizations.
Amalgamation & Merging : Due to the expert knowledge in financial sector CA plays a dominant role in the amalgamation and merging of bank, financial institutions & companies.
Commercial Job in Banking Sector : Work as an finance manager, operation head, internal auditor as well as up to CEO of regional national and international bank and financial institution. Normally Nepal Rastra Bank invites Job application for Chartered Accountant every year.